Monday, November 30, 2009



from brooklyn bridge towards Liberty Island

just trying out some new techniques, thinking for the future. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 1

This is a small selection of the photographs that represent first part of Chapter 1...

Monday, October 19, 2009

jim denevan

This is truly breathing taking art.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


What is Reality?

Person 1
it is a perception of life that is relative

Person 2 I gave way to delight, as mystics have for centuries when they peeked through the curtains and discovered that this world- so manifestly real was actually a tiny stage set constructed by the mind. We discover abruptly that everything we accept as reality is just social fabrications.
- Timothy Leary, 1966

Person 3 bullshit.

Person 4 It's something that we don't have the ability to describe or even have the capacity to imagine.

Person 5 perception. duh!

Person 6 apparenty something I refuse to accept!

Person 7 reality? come in italy and get it!


Person 8 You are the only one that creates your reality

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunrise Sunset

I've started again on working on an installation. The overall theme is to create an alternate environment of life using a Sunrise, Sunset flow from one end of the space to the next.

Here is one section that I've started on. It moves from a storm to skyline into a sunset. The calm and beauty in storms, before and after.






Monday, August 17, 2009

Connecting the Threads

Lately I've been working on trying to find a thin piece of thread in which I can link a conscious thought that constantly flows over my mind and the imagery I seem to produce. This thought is of one that I believe we (all human life) among with all other forms of life; air, trees, flowers, bugs, animals... are all connected by a deeper energy other than the basic form of matter. It is a good starting point but my mind wonders to and fro occasionally and I subtly struggling to continue this new thread into new paths.

Here's a few images in which I'm trying to weave my thoughts. Two of which are shots from an group installation show.

PSD Layout

In this installation I originally arranged a pattern on the wall in which I wanted to weave and piece each connection
together. I then stated in a brief abstract my purpose, and invited views to become interactive and rearrange the photos
to how they felt with the imagery and the connections that could be formed. As a first step towards my ultimate goal of
where I want my work to go I felt like it was a success. Will it hold up much longer if I do not push the idea further? Probably not. As long as I'm making steps.

Rearrangement 1

Rearrangement 2