Monday, August 17, 2009

Connecting the Threads

Lately I've been working on trying to find a thin piece of thread in which I can link a conscious thought that constantly flows over my mind and the imagery I seem to produce. This thought is of one that I believe we (all human life) among with all other forms of life; air, trees, flowers, bugs, animals... are all connected by a deeper energy other than the basic form of matter. It is a good starting point but my mind wonders to and fro occasionally and I subtly struggling to continue this new thread into new paths.

Here's a few images in which I'm trying to weave my thoughts. Two of which are shots from an group installation show.

PSD Layout

In this installation I originally arranged a pattern on the wall in which I wanted to weave and piece each connection
together. I then stated in a brief abstract my purpose, and invited views to become interactive and rearrange the photos
to how they felt with the imagery and the connections that could be formed. As a first step towards my ultimate goal of
where I want my work to go I felt like it was a success. Will it hold up much longer if I do not push the idea further? Probably not. As long as I'm making steps.

Rearrangement 1

Rearrangement 2